Monday, November 21, 2011

Would like wedding cake recipe that will travel and keep for at least 5 days-not traditional fruit. alcohol OK

Most stuff will last well if its properly iced and marzipaned , I worked weddings for two years and a bit ! the new fav's apart from trad fruit are sponge, croque en bouche [like profiterrole stack-a very popular choice - heres a picture -鈥?/a> - there are loads of pictures of cakes and style celebration and wedding that you can get inspiration from the sites pics]

also u can use airtight container and get special foam like stuff which you can wrap in cling film or foil to stop it moving around in the container

also very popular is chocolate biscuit cake - word of advice though do not get rich tea biscuit one - best made with digestive biscuits

other popular ones I have seen are:

Black forest gateau - it was covered with cream or choc mirror icing and top with fruit.

A strawberry and raspberry [or any fruit you desire but berry fruits usually better!]pavlova cake - it looks so so elegent on the cake table when done in seperate tiers at varying levels - plus the meringue can be made in advance and as long as it is stored airtight it can be assembled with the fruit and cream on the day and this way it will last longer - this would definately be my favorite! recipes as follows:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Flapjack style mix in cake shape - It was iced to look like

proper cake

Devilish Chocolate cake

Almond Cake

also this was very popular - heres a picture -鈥?/a>

and this one :鈥?/a>Would like wedding cake recipe that will travel and keep for at least 5 days-not traditional fruit. alcohol OK
sponge cake
  • pimples blackheads
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